Tianna K.

Although I have been using acupuncture to treat different things going on with my body for over 2 years, I had no idea how beneficial it could be for illnesses! I woke up 4 weeks ago and the entire left side of my face was completely paralyzed, I could not close my eye, smile, or feel my lips and tongue. I ended up going to the ER thinking it was a stroke but I found out it was just a condition called Bell's Palsy. This condition affects the cranial nerve so I immediately started treatment with Dr. Sarah Allen. After my very first treatment I could close my eye on my own again. I have now had 5 of the recommended 10 treatments and I am 95% better. I am fully confident I will get full function back in my entire face. I cannot thank Dr. Allen enough for everything she has done for me!

Patient with Bell's palsy before acupuncture treatment
Patient with Bell's palsy after 5 of the recommended treatments