Stuart H.

I have had chronic, severe shoulder pain for the past 6 years working as a correctional officer. I have tried physical therapy and various medications and nothing has even touched it. Dr. Sarah Allen's acupuncture is the only therapy that has helped relieve the pain.

Acupuncture has been so important to me. I come walking out of here like a new person. I feel like it gave me my life back. I have always lived life to the fullest, but when you are in chronic pain it dulls things. I have forgotten what it was to like to live without pain. I would never have believed acupuncture could do what it has done. I knew it would help me, but to not to this extent. Even the sun shines brighter when I leave here.

I have never received the kind of care Dr. Allen has given me. I don’t believe I would have had these results under another therapist. Dr. Allen's background as a teacher, a traveler, her intuition, the way she cares about you – it’s what she brings to the table that makes it work. She puts everything she has into the treatment and that’s why it is so effective.

I have also suffered a lot of anxiety over the years as my work as a correctional officer. Acupuncture has finally helped calm my mind. I have never had this much peace in my life. I just hope other people can experience it.