Sarah Breaux, Oriental Medicine Doctor (OMD)

During my third year of acupuncture school, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). I was terrified, devastated, completely hopeless, and in extreme pain. I could not hold a toothbrush or tun a doorknob without a painful shockwave ravaging throughout my body. I was unsure that I would be able to finish school, practice Chinese medicine, or be able to live a normal life again. I read the statistic that once someone is diagnosed with RA, they were most often disabled withing five years. I was told by my rheumatologist that since I was not overweight, dietary changes would do nothing to help my condition. She said my only option was to take hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate. I was well are of the side effects of these drugs and refused her advice. I began to research natural options and found Dr. Mercola’s article about Dr. Sarah Allen. It described how she had reversed her Rheumatoid Arthritis through diet and lifestyle changes.

I decided to seek out Dr. Sarah Allen and I was pleasantly surprised when I found her and told her my story. She assured me, that with hard work and time, I would be able to reverse my RA, just as she did. I followed Dr. Allen’s dietary and lifestyle changes as she coached me along my long, hard journey of recovery. I started to feel better and better each day as the time went on and I would have new small victories, like being able to carry a small grocery cart without extreme pain in my wrists. When I would have a flare or a setback, Dr. Allen reassured me that I would continue to get better. She was correct about everything she said. Here I am, 4 years later and I feel better than I did before my RA diagnosis! I graduated from acupuncture school and I am taking my last board exam this month. I am scared to think about how different my health and life path would have been without meeting Dr. Sarah Allen. She so openly shared her story and knowledge and convinced me to persevere. I will be forever grateful to her. I am sure anyone else lucky enough to work with her will say the same.