Doug S.

My left hand was going numb with severe shooting pains making my work (in construction) and sleep almost impossible. In my mind, I was convinced I had a pinched nerve in my neck. With caring, research and perseverance, Sarah determined it was actually a nerve in my elbow and concentrated on that area. In a matter of a few weeks, the tingling is gone and I have full use of my left hand again. I would also like to add that during my visits, Sarah also worked on my shoulders and sleep issues. My shoulders feel better than they have for at least 5 years and I am sleeping at least an hour a day more than I ever have.

It was so very refreshing to actually have a medical professional sincerely care about me as a patient, never rush an appointment, and do the research necessary to solve the problem and get results. Thank you again Sarah for the positive change you made in my life.