Mind Body Healing

Mind Body Healing
Photo by Bekir Dönmez / Unsplash

Physical and psycho-emotional health have a strong correlation. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes that long-standing emotions can injure our Qi and organs, thereby causing illness. Disease may be triggered by long-term stress, past trauma or an emotional imbalance. Thus, treating the "shen" or the spirit is as important as treating the physical.

Additionally, many suffering from a significant and chronic health condition struggle with mental health because they do not feel well enough to enjoy the activities that they once did and are facing many challenges that come with their illness. Furthermore, the more chronic the disease becomes, one may become attached to the disease, ultimately becoming one's identity, which makes it difficult to let go and fully heal.

Over the years, I have seen this in my practice, and realize the importance of treating the emotional health of my patients so that they can fully physically heal. I have furthered my training and am certified in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and/or Clinical Hypnotherapy.  

Clinical hypnotherapy is particularly effective means of helping reprogram the subconscious mind for releasing stuck energy or trauma which may be a source of chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and other diseases. It is also extremely helpful to achieve goals and make lifestyle changes.

EFT is a treatment that includes tapping along energetic acupuncture meridians to help balance one’s energetic system working to resolve pain, trauma and emotional issues. Work is done between therapist and patient and is also taught to be used as a powerful self-help technique. EFT is often used in adjunct with hypnotherapy and both of these therapies can be done in conjunction with acupuncture. Both EFT and clinical hypnotherapy are available online, by phone and in-person.

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