Redesigning the Immune System - Putting RA and other Autoimmune Diseases into Remission

Redesigning the Immune System - Putting RA and other Autoimmune Diseases into Remission

By Sarah Allen

The human immune system has an enormous job. Beautifully designed and serving as a beautiful a great military of defense, it helps keep us safe and wards off invaders. Its work in today’s modern world, however, is greatly heightened with the taxation of increased stress, toxicity and a depreciating food supply. Is it any wonder that we are seeing autoimmune diseases appear at an alarming rate affecting up to 63 million Americans? (Balantyne, 13)

While 1/3 of autoimmune diseases are attributed to genetic maladies, 2/3 are due to lifestyle habits. That said, the great majority of us who suffer have a true chance of overcoming something considered unbeatable. Take it from me, I put my RA into remission over 15 years ago without a trace ever to return.

The Battle of the Qi: An Eastern Perspective

One of the beautiful aspects of Chinese medicine is the simplistic way of describing our health. Disease, for example is considered in a much broader sense, simply put, it is a lost battle between good and evil, specifically good and evil qi. Qi, which in loose terms means energy, is the basis of Chinese medicine and it is used to describe every bodily function in our body. Our immune system is described as “Righteous Qi,” the energy used to protect us. If our righteous qi is low, “Evil Qi” can prevail and the onset of disease begins. (Trujillo)

“Evil Q” is the traditional way the Chinese described pathogenic influences. This could be anything from infections to toxins in our environment, infections or even climate conditions (excess humidity, cold, dampness, heat) or emotional imbalances. And for those born with a shitty immune system, also known as poor “Original Qi, this issue is duly compounded.

Additionally, with Chinese medicine, everything is about balance. And I mean EVERYTHING, from what we eat, what we do, to how we live. When we overtax, overdo, undernourish, our bodies become out of balance and the road to disease begins. With autoimmune disease, our immune system is out of whack. While working to fight so hard it cannot keep up, and confuses the enemy from its own troops, ultimately attacking the body, that which it is meant to protect. Hence, the destruction of tissues, organs, joints ensues as seen in RA, Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid, ALS and the continued onslaught of new unclassified autoimmune diseases never seen before, thanks to our increasingly toxic world.

Can Righteous Qi Win?

The answer is yes. According to Chinese medicine, if our righteous Qi is stronger than Evil, good prevails and disease can be prevented or put to rest.

Consider that we humans began, as all life forms do, as single-celled organisms which evolved into a community of cells of tissues and organs into our human self. This self is constantly changing, and as ancient Eastern philosophy describes, we are a constant transformation from yin to yang. Nothing is permanent. Modern science couldn’t agree more and postulates we replace most of our body every 7 to 15 years. For example, the cells of our lining of our stomach are replaced every 5 days! This is huge considering the source for many autoimmune diseases starts in the gut. And our poor liver, which takes the brunt of everything, thus playing a large component in autoimmune disorders, is regenerated every couple of years. What great news! If this is true, is it not possible to continue building, remodeling, and perfecting? (Opfer)

The answer is a resounding YES! … So what do we do?

The key is redesigning our immune system by putting our body back and balance, treat it like a machine, and build that Righteous Qi! First and foremost, we must address diet, the basic necessity of life. I am a firm believer that food is put on this universe as a means to serve and heal. It is a true gift and should be revered as such. It is what healed me and I never gave it the credit and power it deserved until I experienced the dramatic changes in my body and healed my RA.

Additionally, addressing the stress in our lives. I have had countless patients tell me when they were on vacation their pain went away…. their digestion improved…they could eat foods they normally could not eat. Why? Because they were relaxed and happy. Their bodies were able to rest, digest and recover. There are many ways to address the body mind connection. Including:

  • Proper breathing (which most of us do not do)
  • Exercise and movement – a natural means to detoxify and help increase our level of happiness. "When you exercise, it increases endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid -- these are all brain chemicals associated with feeling happy, less stressed and even less physical pain. (Livingston)
  • Get outdoors and in nature. There are so many reasons to do so as nature is true mind body medicine. Additionally, it helps boost our Vitamin D levels, a known factor in to autoimmune disease.
  • Finding harmony in our lives. The old adage is true, less is more.
  • Get regular self-care with effective modalities such as massage, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, is of paramaount importance.

Finally, have patience. Rome was not built in a day, nor was disease. Most illness have begun many years before the onset of symptoms, starting with an unaddressed disharmony in our body. Time fuels fire and left unaddressed the condition becomes more ingrained and difficult to treat. It is imperative to act quickly and find the root of the disease. Once this is determined and treated, true healing can begin.

I put my RA into remission over 15 years ago and did so naturally with diet and lifestyle changes. I would be honored to help you on your healing journey. In my practice, I offer a complex healing system including health advocation, nutritional counseling, acupuncture, herbal therapy, hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Please check out my services page at and contact me at to set up your free 15-minute consultation.


  1. Ballantyne, Sarah. The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body. Victory Belt Publishing Inc., 2013.
  2. Eisen, Marty. Qi Encyclopedia, 16 Feb. 2016,
  3. Trujillo, Timothy. “Hypnotherapy for Immune Disorders.” Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 2010. Accessed 12 Jul. 2020
  4. Opfer, Chris. “Does Your Body Really Replace Itself Every Seven Years?” HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 30 June 2020,
  5. Livingston, Mercey. “How Exercise Can Make You Happier -- Even If You Hate It.” CNET, CNET, 12 Feb. 2020,

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